Scholarship & Award Opportunities

Building a better world for women and girls means ensuring that they have the necessary knowledge and tools. Zonta’s educational scholarships and awards help women and girls advance their formal education. We support Zonta International’s award and scholarship programs and also offer scholarships of our own.

Zonta Club of Annapolis Yellow Rose Scholarship (Check back in February 2025 for information about this scholarship opportunity)

New in 2024 is the Zonta Club of Annapolis Yellow Rose Scholarship. This scholarship is designed for women returning to school after taking time off from formal, higher education. See the application for eligibility criteria and information about submitting an application. Contact president@zontaclubannapolis if you have questions.

(Photo by irum on

Zonta Young Women in Leadership Award (Formerly the Young Women in Public Affairs Award, YWIPA)

The Zonta Club of Annapolis (ZCOA) participates in Zonta International’s Young Women in Leadership Award program. This award recognizes recognizes young women, ages 16-19, for demonstrating leadership skills and commitment to public service and civic causes, and encourages them to continue their participation in public and political life.

Young women who, on April 1, 2025, are ages 16 – 19 are eligible to apply. The club will select one application to forward to the District for consideration for the District and International awards.

The due date for completed applications is Wednesday, March 1, 2025. Applications must be typed. The application is a fillable pdf. Completed applications must be emailed or postmarked no later than March 1, 2024. Applications should be emailed to Please email for the mailing address for paper applications. The application can be viewed and downloaded from the Zonta International (ZI) website at the following link. YWILA Application The application and additional information about eligibility can be found on the ZI website at the following link. YWILA Info

Women in STEM Scholarship (Check back in early 2025 for information on new awards programs.)

The Zonta Club of Annapolis (ZCOA) participates in Zonta International’s STEM scholarship program. This program is designed to encourage women and girls to pursue education, career opportunities and leadership roles in information technology and other STEM fields.

The ZCOA participates in this program by accepting and evaluating applications from qualified students. One application is forwarded to the District for further evaluation. The due date for applications is Monday, June 12, 2023. Applications should be emailed to Please email for the mailing address for paper applications.

Additional information and a copy of the application is available on the ZI website at the following link. STEM info

Jane M Klausman Women in Business Scholarship (Zonta International is retiring this scholarship program effective with the 2024 awards. Check back in early 2025 for information on new awards programs.)

The Zonta Club of Annapolis (ZCOA) participates in Zonta International’s (ZI) Jane M Klausman Women in Business scholarship program. This program provides scholarships to women pursuing post-secondary education in a business-related area. Scholarship applications are accepted in the spring of each year, with selection and awards made in late fall.

The ZCOA participates in this program by accepting and evaluating applications from qualified students. One application is forwarded to the District for further evaluation. Applications for the upcoming year are posted on the ZI website in January or February of the award year. Additional information and a copy of the application is available on the ZI website at the following link. Jane M Klausman Info

The due date for completed applications is July 1, 2024. Applications must be emailed or postmarked no later than July 1, 2024. Emailed applications are preferred. Applications must be typed. The application is a fillable pdf. Applications should be emailed to Please email for the mailing address for paper applications.

Amelia Earhart Scholarship (deadline November 15)

Annually, the Zonta Foundation for Women awards thirty-five $10,000 fellowships to women pursuing Ph.D./doctoral degrees in aerospace-related sciences or aerospace-related engineering. The deadline for application is November 15 of each year and awards are made the following April. Annually in July, an updated application and information about the scholarship for the upcoming year are posted on the Zonta International (ZI) website. Additional information is available on the ZI website at the following link. Amelia Earhart Info. Submit applications directly to Zonta International.